

ASC 2020 - Deadline in 5 days!

Announcements | December 12th, 2019

Only a few days left if you wish to present your work at the Applied Superconductivity Conference. The deadline for abstract submission is December the 17th.

ECD 2020 - First Announcement

Announcements | December 9th, 2019

We are please to invite you to the European Cryogenics Days 2020, that will be held in May 24th-26th in the Netherlands. Have a look at the flyer or at our page for more information about this event!

28 ICEC-ICMC 2020

Announcements | December 8th, 2019

The registration for the 28th International Cryogenics Engineering Conference and International Cryogenic Materials Conference 2020 is now open!  

WEKA AG ranks in the highest category for its Corporate Social Responsibility

Announcements | September 29th, 2019

WEKA AG has become even more sustainable since last year: the Swiss company has received the highest award for its commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). CSR is the responsibility of companies for their effects on society and includes social, ecological and economic aspects. In 2018, the industrial company was evaluated for the first time and achieved the second-best rating. Read more.

Fourth InK2 Newsletter available

Announcements | August 25th, 2019

The Ink2 project answered the call of the International Commitee for Weights and Measures to redefine the Kelvin in terms of the Boltzmann constant. The project led the international thermometry community in a joint effort for achieving that goal.

The implementation phase of the redefinition of the SI has taken place on the World Metrology Day, May 20th, 2019. Here you may find the fourth and final Newsletter of the project, which also introduces the new EMPIR project, that aims at realising the redefined kelvin (Real K).    



New career opportunities available

Careers | July 1st, 2019

See our career section for new job opportunities in the field.

Registration open for the Cryo EASITrain School 2

Announcements | June 28th, 2019

The Horizon 2020 EASITrain Project (, a Marie Sklodowska-Curie (MSCA) training network, organizes its autumn school (EASISchool 2) from the 30th of September to the 4th of October 2019 at CEA in Paris-Saclay and Grenoble, France. 

The school will offer a unique opportunity for training on cryogenic applications. It offers advanced cryogenics lectures, exposure to the industry, cryogenics application lectures and visit to laboratories such as Neurospin, CEA labs at Paris-Saclay and Grenoble, ESRF, EMFL-LNCMI and Air Liquide. Participants will received specialized training sessions on medical applications, accelerator applications, superconducting magnets at Paris-Saclay and space applications, instrumentation, large-scale refrigeration at Grenoble.

Specifically the programme is:

Two days (30 September - 1 October) take place in Paris-Saclay in the Neurospin laboratory. 

One day (2 October) is devoted for transport to Grenoble and visits to ESRF/EMFL-LNCMI.

The final two days (3 and 4 October) take place in Grenoble in the MINATEC center. 

The EASIschool is open to external participants (30 pers.) for the whole week training and to local participants (50 pers.) for one-day training either at Paris-Saclay or at Grenoble (see details in registration).

More details can be found here:

With the support of




ECD 2019 - 2nd Announcement

Announcements | June 5th, 2019

The Cryogenics Society of Europe (CSE), the High-Energy Physics network (HEPTech) in collaboration with the European Spallation Source (ESS) invite you to attend the 2019 European Cryogenics Days on October 7 and 8, 2019 in Lund Sweden. This event will consist of the CSE annual meeting followed by invited talks on all aspects of cryogenics, an industrial exhibition, a tour of the ESS site including cryogenic facilities and social events. Ample time will be provided for one on one meetings.
Examples of confirmed talks include:

“Cryogenics in the Ecoswing Project”
“Vertical Cryostat for ESS”
“Cryogenics in Experimental Cosmology”
“Overview on HTS Projects and Applications Worldwide”
“Analytics for Cold Hydrogen Isotopologues at the Tritium Laboratory Karlsruhe”
“The Cryogenic Needs of the FCC”

Talks are by invitation only, but attendees are encouraged to submit abstracts for a poster session. More details including registration, abstract submission, draft program and important dates may be found on the ECD 2019 website.

As usual, CSE corporate members may profit  of a discounted rate for the exhibition and the participation for individual CSE members is for free.

European Course of Cryogenics 2019

Announcements | April 9th, 2019

The application for the European Cryogenics Course (ECC) 2019 is now open. The Course is organized by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Technical University of Dresden (TUD) / Germany, the Faculty of Mechanical and Power Engineering of the Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (WUST) / Poland and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) of Trondheim / Norway.

The ECC will extend over 3 weeks during Summer 2019 and is open to all graduate and doctoral students. Due to the limited capacity interested students should apply for participating before the end of April.

From the 19th to the 23rd of August the TU Dresden will host the first part of the Course focused on "Basics, liquid hydrogen technology". The second part of the Course will take place from the 26th to the 30th of August at the Wroclaw University in Poland and will deal with "Helium cryogenics and cryostat technology". Finally, between the 2nd and the 6th of September the NTNU of Trondheim, Norway will offer a Course on "Liquified natural gas and coolers".

Lecturers are members of the organizing universities and a number of invited
external experts. In addition to the lessons, the program of the ECC includes technical excursions, tutorials and demonstrations. The course will finish with two written examinations concerning the two main subjects (cryogenics, fundamentals and processes).

Detailed information about the application process and the program of the
Course may be found on the flyer or at the dedicated webpage.

The European Cryogenics Days 2019 - Registration open

Announcements | April 4th, 2019

The Cryogenics Society of Europe (CSE), the High-Energy Physics network (HEPTech) and the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH (GSI) in collaboration with the European Spallation Source (ESS) invite you to attend the 2019 European Cryogenics Days on October 7 and 8, 2019 in Lund Sweden. This event will consist of the CSE annual meeting followed by invited talks on all aspects of cryogenics, an industrial exhibition, a tour of the ESS site including cryogenic facilities and social events. More details including registration, abstract submission, draft program and important dates may be found on the ECD 2019 website.

As usual, CSE corporate members may profit  of a discounted rate for the exhibition and the participation for individual CSE members is for free.