International Cryocooler Conference 2020

- Date: Dec 7 - Dec 10, 2020
- Location: Orlando, Florida, USA
- Website:
- Additional information on proceedings are available for logged-in users.
The International Cryocooler Conference (ICC) series focuses on the latest developments in cryocoolers technology. The event is organized every two years and in 2020 (ICC 21) will be held on June 15th–18th in Orlando, Florida, USA.
The ICC attracts international participants representing academia, government laboratories, and industry: students and professionals interested in cryogenics and/or thermal management, cryogenic component manufacturers and suppliers; mechanical, electrical, and software engineers engaged in cryocooler design, manufacture and sales; system engineers responsible for selecting and/or integrating cryocoolers; last but not least commercial and government cryocooler users.
The program includes three full days of oral and poster presentations. There will be no parallel sessions, so that participants will have the possibility to attend every presentations.
Please find more information concerning the logistics and deadlines of the events at the official website.
3.11.2020 - Due to pandemic situation, the conference will be held as an online event between the 7th and the 10th of December 2020. The Program consists of about two hours meetings per day, which includes a plenary talk dedicated to a certain topic, followed by a panel discussion describing the submitted papers associated with that day's theme. Individual papers will not be presented in real time, but will instead be posted on the ICC website for viewing by registered attendees during the conference and up through the end of January 2021.
Day 1 (Dec 7): Aerospace Applications and Stirling & PT Cooler Devel.
Day 2 (Dec 8): Brayton, J-T and Low Temperature Cooler Devel.
Day 3 (Dec 9) PT & Stirling Cooler Components and Modeling
Day 4 (Dec 10) Commercial & Lab Cooler Applications & Integration Tech.
You may visit the official website of the conference for further information. Registration is open!